Papers Listed Chronologically

The papers are sorted in reverse chronological order according to the dates of the latest draft for unpublished papers (shown in square brackets) or the date of publication for the published papers. Click on the titles of papers to access various versions of the paper and other material such as codes, data and slides, where available.

Current research is supported by National Science Foundation grants SES 1061725, SES 1425740, and SES 1851093.

The Long and Variable Lags of Monetary Policy: Evidence from Disaggregated Price Indices (with Thomas Drechsel), Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.

Non-Constant Demand Elasticities, Firm Dynamics and Monetary Non-Neutrality: Role of Demand Shocks (with Eugene Oue, Felipe Saffie, Jon Willis) [February 2024]

Pricing Under Distress (with Andres Fernandez, Daniel Guzman, Ernesto Pasten, and Felipe Saffie) [January 2024].

Housing Wealth and Consumption: The Role of Heterogeneous Credit Constraints (with Ronel Elul and Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan) [January 2024]

Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks: A Natural Language Approach (with Thomas Drechsel) [December 2023]

Sudden Stops (with Enrique Mendoza, Frank Schorfheide and Sergio Villalvazo) [Draft Coming Soon]

Monetary Policy and Firm Dynamics: The Financial Channel (with Andres Fernandez, Will Lu, Eugene Oue and Felipe Saffie) [Draft Coming Soon]

SVARs With Occasionally-Binding Constraints (with Frank Schorfheide, Marko Mlikota, and Sergio Villalvazo), Journal of Econometrics, December 2022, 231(2), 477-499.

Piecewise Linear Approximations and Filtering for DSGE Models with Occasionally-Binding Constraints (with Pablo Cuba-Borda, Kenji Higa-Flores, Frank Schorfheide and Sergio Villalvazo), Review of Economic Dynamics, July 2021, 41, 96-120.

Institutions, Tax Evasion and Optimal Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 118, 212-229.

Term Structures of Inflation Expectations and Real Interest Rates, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2020, 38(3), 542-553.

A Structural Model of Electoral Accountability (with Allan Drazen and Razvan Vlaicu), International Economic Review, 2019, 60(2), 517-545.

Macroeconomic Dynamics Near the ZLB: A Tale of Two Countries (with Pablo Cuba-Borda and Frank Schorfheide), Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85, 87-118.

Assessing DSGE Model Nonlinearities (with Luigi Bocola and Frank Schorfheide), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2017, 83, 34-54.

Homework in Monetary Economics: Inflation, Home Production and Production of Homes (with Morris A. Davis and Randall Wright), Review of Economic Dynamics, July 2016, 21, 105-124.

Inflation During and After the Zero Lower Bound (with Frank Schorfheide), 2015 Jackson Hole Symposium Volume, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2016, 359-436.

Top Universities Have Top Economics Departments [May 2016]

Improving GDP Measurement: A Measurement Error Perspective (with Francis X. Diebold, Jeremy J. Nalewaik, Frank Schorfheide and Dongho Song), Journal of Econometrics, April 2016, 191(2), 384-397.

A Comparison of Programming Languages in Macroeconomics (with Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, September 2015, 58, 265-273.

Improving GDP Measurement: A Forecast Combination Perspective (with Francis X. Diebold, Jeremy J. Nalewaik, Frank Schorfheide and Dongho Song) in Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis: Recent Advances and Future Directions: Essays in Honor of Halbert L. White Jr (X. Chen and N. Swanson eds.), 2013, Springer, 1-26.

A Real Economic Activity Indicator for Turkey (with Cagri Sarikaya), Central Bank Review, January 2013, 13, 15-29.

Globalization, the Business Cycle, and Macroeconomic Monitoring (with Francis X. Diebold, Ayhan Kose and Marco Terrones), NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2010, 2011, 245-286.

Money, Search and Business CyclesInternational Economic Review, August 2011, 52(3), 935-959.

Money and Capital (with Christopher J. Waller and Randall D. Wright), Journal of Monetary Economics, March 2011, 58, 98-116.

Sticky Prices versus Monetary Frictions: An Estimation of Policy Trade-offs, (with Frank Schorfheide), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2011, 3, 60-90.

Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy when Money is Essential (with Sanjay K. Chugh), Journal of Economic Theory, September 2010, 145(5), 1618-1647.

Real-Time Macroeconomic Monitoring: Real Activity, Inflation, and Interactions  (with Francis X. Diebold), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2010, 100(2), 20-24.

An Estimated Search-Based Monetary DSGE Model with Liquid Capital (with Frank Schorfheide) [January 2010]

Real-Time Measurement of Business Conditions (with Francis X. Diebold and Chiara Scotti), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2009, 27(4), 417-427.

Data Revisions are not Well-BehavedJournal of Money, Credit and Banking, March/April 2008, 40(2-3), 319-340.

Bargaining and the Value of Money (with Guillaume Rocheteau and Christopher J. Waller), Journal of Monetary Economics, November 2007, 54, 2636-2655.

Comparing Solution Methods for Dynamic Equilibrium Economies (with Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, December 2006, 30(12), 2477-2508.

The Macroeconomy and the Yield Curve: A Dynamic Latent Factor Approach (with Francis X. Diebold and Glenn D. Rudebusch), Journal of Econometrics, March-April 2006, 131(1-2), 309-338.   

Moving Holidays and Seasonal Adjustment: The Case of Turkey (with C. Emre Alper), Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, December 2004, Vol. 2 : No 3, Article 3.

Search, Money and Capital: A Neoclassical Dichotomy (with Randall D. Wright), Journal of Money Credit and Banking, December 2003, 35(6), 1085-1105.

Book Review of ‘Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods’ (with Sean D. Campbell),  Journal of American Statistical Association, 98(461), March 2003.

Deseasonalizing Turkish Macroeconomic Data: A Caveat to Applied Researchers in Turkey (with C. Emre Alper), Istanbul Stock Exchange Review, Volume: 5(18), April/May/June 2001, pp. 33-52.